S2 : Erawan

Last updated: 16 May 2023  |  7290 Views  | 

S2 : Erawan

S2 : Erawan
              Practical Set Studio S2

Merit of Studio

              Studio S2 Erawan : With an exterior designed and built in the vein of Western contemporary architecture, the Erawan studio can easily serve as a realistic background for a variety of filming purposes, such as standing in for Ratchaprasong Intersection in Bangkok, or for scenes that take place in a European city. Inside the Erawan studio, you will find a large, multipurpose soundstage complete with a special underwater filming tank, with all the equipment and space necessary to film underwater safely, realistically, and conveniently to the very limits of your imagination.

              Particularities : The three-stories concrete building has a 3 meters deep underwater filming tank. This





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